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Breaking Time by Sasha Alsberg Review

 Hello Everyone :)

I pray today finds you all doing well, and I want to thank you all for joining me for another book review here on The Preppy Book Princess.

If you're familiar with my blog, then you'd know that my primary reading genre of choice is Christian fiction. However, I used to be a huge fan of young adult fiction, and every so often I get the urge to give another one of these (secular) young adult titles a try.

The one I'm going to share with you today had me intrigued, and I decided to give it a go.

Keep reading down below to discover if it ended up living up to my expecations.

Breaking Time by Sasha Alsberg:

Source: Gift from my Hubby

Publisher: Inkyard Press

Publication Date: June 14th, 2022

Genre: Young Adult Fiction/Time Travel/Speculative

Series: Breaking Time


Fate brought them together. Time will tear them apart.

When a mysterious Scotsman appears out of nowhere in the middle of the road, Klara thinks the biggest problem is whether she hit him with her car. But, as impossible as it sounds, Callum has stepped out of another time, and it’s just the beginning of a deadly adventure. 
Klara will soon learn that she is the last Pillar of Time—an anchor point in the timeline of the world and a hiding place for a rogue goddess’s magic. Callum is fated to protect her at all costs. A dark force is hunting for the Pillars, to claim the power of the goddess—and Klara and Callum are the only two standing in the way. Thrown together by fate, the two have to learn to trust one another and work together…but they'll need to protect their hearts from one another if they're going to survive.

(synopsis from goodreads)

My Review:

I don't typically read youtuber books, but way back in the day I enjoyed watching Sasha Alsberg's booktube videos, and when she released Zenith I decided to give it a try. I ended up thinking it was alright, but I wasn't invested enough to want to continue reading on with the rest of the series. However, when I stumbled upon this title a few months back, I was intrigued. After all, I absolutely adore time travel novels, and the premise sounded interesting. I was hopeful it would be a read I'd end up enjoying, but sadly that ended up not being the case.

This entire novel fell flat for me, and I couldn't believe how juvenile it came across to the reader. While Klara is supposed to be a young woman about to embark on college decisions and such, she acts like she's more around the age of thirteen or fourteen over the course of the story. So many of her decisions were cringe worthy and had me rolling my eyes repeatedly as I struggled to even want to finish this. The second Callum comes into the picture, this turns into one over the top insta lovey mess, and the romance element was weird and completely unbelievable in my eyes.

The mythology was boring, poorly developed, and hard to follow. Everything seemed so disjointed, and it felt for the most part like Breaking Time couldn't decide what kind of read it wanted to be. I was hoping for time travel, fantasy and a swoon worthy romance, instead I got an insta lovey mess that wraps around demons and other creepy creatures and a story that doesn't seem to know where it wants to go.

I don't honestly enjoy being so critical about the books I review, but the only thing I truly ended up enjoying about this one was the beautiful cover.

Final Rating: 1/5.

I do not recommend picking this one up, and I will most definitely not be continuing on with book two.

Thanks so much for reading guys! Have a great rest of your day :)

This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. The photo does not belong to me, and all rights to the respective owners. 


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