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Authors I'm Excited To Meet At RT Booklovers

Happy Monday to all my fellow readers :)

It's the start of a new week, and it's exactly three weeks from today until we leave for Vegas for RT Booklovers. I did a post a couple of weeks ago on some of the events I'm most excited to attend at the convention, but today I decided to talk about some of the authors I'm so excited to finally get a chance to meet. While I do read a wide spectrum of books, YA is definitely my fave genre, and as such, I'm very excited for the chance to meet so many of the amazing YA authors that are going to be attending this year. It would be way too long of a post for me to possibly list every author I'm looking forward to meeting, but I thought I'd list a few today that are some of my favorites, and talk about more events and authors in a post next week. :)

To start with, I am beyond belief excited to get to meet Richelle Mead. I've fallen head over heels in love with The Vampire Academy and Bloodlines novels, and I'm also anxiously awaiting The Glittering Court. This amazing woman has been behind so many of my favorite books, and I'm anxiously anticipating the chance to get to meet her.

Next would definitely have to be Katie McGarry. Crash Into You remains one of my all time favorite books. I have read it probably an embarrassingly number of times since it's release, and I've loved every other book of hers that I've read. No joke, when RT released the attending author list, and I saw her name on it, I started freaking out to the point that my hubby thought I was having an asthma attack. I will definitely be prioritizing getting a chance to meet her.

Kiera Cass is definitely also on my list of authors that I absolutely have to meet. The Selection series was such an amazing read, and I've loved every book in the series. She also seems so sweet on her various social medias, and I'm excited to get a chance to meet her in person.

Colleen Houck is another author that I've listed as a priority to meet. I personally loved Tiger's Curse, and I'm looking forward to continuing on with more books from her hopefully really soon. She is one of the authors hosting the YA You're Never Too Old For YA party that I talked about in my last RT Post, so I will hopefully have a chance to meet her then.

One of my favorite book series that I've discovered within the last two years is The Shadow Falls series, and it's spin off Shadow Falls After Dark, so I was definitely fangirling over the fact that the author of those amazing series, C.C. Hunter, is going to be appearing at RT as well. I love her books, and can't wait to meet her in person.

Ali Novak is the author of one of my favorite contemporaries, My Life With The Walter Boys, and I actually only found out she was going to be there a couple of weeks ago. I think it's super impressive that she started writing her novel as a teenager, and gained a huge following through Wattpad, and I'm hoping to read her newer novel, The Heartbreakers, before RT, but if not, than definitely soon after.

As I have just recently finished The Kiss of Deception, and completely loved it. I definitely am looking forward to meeting Mary E Pearson :)

The Winner's Curse was a mind blowing book that I definitely had a hard time putting down. I can't wait to meet Marie Rutkoski, and tell her just how much I loved this novel, and how I can't wait to finish the trilogy hopefully soon.

Lastly, considering how much I loved the Lux Series, Jennifer L Armentrout is definitely another author that I don't want to miss out on meeting :)

This is honestly just a sampling of all the authors I'm hoping to have a chance to meet during the six days we will be attending, and I will hopefully find the time to write another post before then on some of the others I'm looking forward to meeting.

Are any of you planning on attending RT this year? If so, which authors are you most excited to meet? Or who have been your fave authors that you've had a chance to meet in the past?

Thanks for reading everyone :) I'll be back on Wednesday with a new Top 5 Wednesday Post.

This is not a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.


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