Hello Everyone. Hope everyone is having a great week so far. I know here in Canada we're starting to prepare for Thanksgiving, which is always one of my favorite holidays as fall is my favorite season. This year my family has special plans for it, which I will be sharing here later on, but for today's post I'm going to talk about my progress so far with 2015 Pop Sugar Reading Challenge :) To anyone who is unfamiliar with this particular challenge, here is the link to the original page http://www.popsugar.com/love/Reading-Challenge-2015-36071458 Basically, it's a reading challenge that includes fifty items on a list you need to complete by reading a book that fits with each item. I only discovered the challenge in May, and as such, am not sure if I will be finished by December 31st, but I'm really enjoying being a part of it, And I've loved how it's opened the door for me to books I may never have chosen to read without it, that I've ended up loving. ...