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The Stay at Home Book Tag

Hello Everyone :)

I hope you're all doing well, and I want to thank you all for joining me here today on The Preppy Book Princess.

I've been blogging so much lately. I've had so many reviews that I had to get written and edited and the like, but I really wanted to take part in another book tag.

It's truly been a hot minute since I last posted one, and off the top of my head, I can't even remember what the last one I posted even was.

Lately, I've been seeing the Stay at Home Book Tag pop up all over the bookternet, and it seems like a really fun one to participate in. This particular tag was created by Princess of Paperback over on Youtube, and you can check out her original video here.

Let's go ahead and get started.

Laying In Bed-Book You Could/Have Read In A Day:

From the moment I started The Truth in Tiramisu, I literally couldn't put it down. I was completely wrapped up in the story, and I loved Eliza and Grant as characters so much. Poppy Creek is a place I'd love to live in, and I will say again and again that both titles in this series would make perfect Hallmark movies.

Snacking-A Guilty Pleasure Book:

I know this series continue to get a bad rap, but I don't really care. It still continues to be one of my favorites, and I've read it countless times over the last twelve or so years.

Netflix-Series You Want To Start:

Denise Hunter is one of my favorite authors, and yet I've never gotten around to reading The Chapel Springs series. I need to change that fact soon.

Deep Clean-Been On Your TBR For Ages:

I read Eragon years ago, and I always intended to read the rest of the series, but that has yet to actually happen. I may have to do something about that in the near future.

Animal Crossing-A Book You Bought Recently Because Of Hype:

I have to say that this question actually made me laugh a little as I really don't understand all the hype behind Animal Crossing. I've never actually played it, and don't have any intention of doing so. I also haven't really bought that many books this year, however I did pick this one up back at the beginning of March after I saw it continuously pop up on bookblogs, booktube and bookstagram. I read it a few weeks ago, and other than some content I could have done without, I really ended up enjoying it. 

Productivity-Book You Learned From Or Had An Impact On You:

This book opened up my eyes in so many ways, and I'm still thinking about it a couple of years later. Katie Ganshert is a fantastic author, and I can't wait to read more of her books in the future.

Facetime-A Book You Were Gifted:

My hubby gave me this one for Christmas, and I can't wait to read it.

Self Care- What Is One Thing You Have Done Recently To Look After Yourself?

I've been trying to do workouts every single day, and it's helped immensely. I feel so much healthier and have way more energy when I take the time in a day to get regular exercise. 

I tag any of you who are interested in doing this too! Let me know if you do as I'd love to see your answers.

Have a great rest of your week guys :)


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