Hello Friends :) I pray you're all doing well, and I want to thank you all for joining me for another book review here on The Preppy Book Princess. I've been thinking of switching my blog up a bit in the upcoming months. I love sharing my book reviews, and I will definitely continue to do so. However, I'd also love to go back to doing some other features like tags, ranked and reviewed, checking back on old book hauls, etc etc. Since I go through so many books, especially lately, that would probably mean either adding an extra day to my three regular days of blogging, or perhaps doing a couple of weeks of daily blogging to get caught up with everything. Not quite sure which route I'm going to take honestly, but you'll be the first to find out when I do. My hubby and I have been spending a lot of time at home lately aside from working, and we've both been steadily working our way through our TBR piles. I was finally able to get to a book that's been sitting ...