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Life Support by Candace Calvert Review

Hey Guys :)

I hope you're all doing well.

Today I'm excited to share my review with you all of the final book in Candace Calvert's Grace Medical trilogy.

If you recall, I'd reviewed the first two books here, and here, and I'd really loved both of them. So to put it mildly, I was quite looking forward to reading this one. 

Life Support by Candace Calvert:

Source: Church Library

Publisher: Tyndale House

Publication Date: March 1st, 2014

Genre: Inspirational Fiction/Medical Drama


Nurse Lauren Barclay put her life on hold to keep a watchful eye on her troubled sister. It's why she's back in Houston. But that means confronting the brooding physician assistant who caused painful turmoil in her family--and left Lauren with memories her heart can't forgive.PA and single parent Elijah Landry is no stranger to stormy relationships, including one with his father, who is threatening him with a restraining order. It won't stop Eli from protecting his disabled brother--or from making peace with Lauren. He wants that and so much more.But as Lauren and Eli draw closer, a powerful hurricane roars toward Houston. Survival instincts take priority and everything changes. Can hope weather the storm?

******synopsis from goodreads*****

My Review:

I've come to really appreciate the way that Candace Calvert can write a beautiful, clean romance that keeps the faith element as a primary focus. As I'd really enjoyed the first two books in the Grace Medical series, I had my hopes up pretty high for this final installment in the trilogy, but it ended up not being quite as good as I'd hoped for.

Nurse Lauren Barclay was introduced in the last book, and in this book, she's traveled back home to Houston, to try and help her sister Jess get her life back under control and on track. Her parent's have blamed physican assisatant Eli Landry for the bulk of her sister's recent issues, and Lauren's determined to keep her distance from him at any cost. However, God seems to have other plans as the two are constantly thrown together at the hospital, the care home where Eli's brother Drew is a patient, and even at the local park where Eli is prone to popping up with his daughter and their dog. Soon Lauren's questioning why she tried so hard to stay away from him in the first place, but with all the hurt and history between them, can they ever truly move on towards a future together?

Unfortunately, right from the start I had a hard time connecting with either main character. Compared to all the warmth, spunk, and strength that's present in the other main character's in the series, Eli and Lauren seemed really lackluster. While I generally enjoy slow burn romances, this was a really really really slow burn romance, and I never did feel there was enough chemistry between the two of them for their developing romance to make any sense to the reader. I really wanted to love this one, and while I did still enjoy the setting, the story line, and numerous secondary characters like Drew and Fletcher, it took me a long time to truly become invested in the story, and I never really did warm up to the main characters. 

While I applaud Candace Calvert for tackling mental illness in this particular novel, I didn't care for the way the characters handle it. While it was completely believable that Lauren and her parent's would be in denial over Jess' issues, their insistent ways of enabling her behavior started to get to me, especially when Lauren starts covering for her at the hospital, despite the fact that Jess could be putting numerous patients at risk in the process.

Final Rating: ⭐⭐⭐

While there were definitely moments I enjoyed, and as always, I loved Candace's writing style, I had too many issues with the main characters, several plot points, and the way certain issues never seem to be resolved for it to be any higher than a three star read for me. While I will still continue to recommend this series as a whole, I definitely did not enjoy this one as much as I enjoyed the first two.

Thanks so much for reading guys! I hope you have a great rest of your day :)

This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. The photo does not belong to me, and all rights to the respective owners. 


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