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May 2018 TBR List!

Hello Friends :)

I hope you're all doing well, and thank you for joining me today on The Preppy Book Princess.

Today I'd like to share with you all what books I hope to read this month, so without further adieu, here's my May 2018 TBR List!

Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken:

Unfortunately, this was one of the ones I'd planned to read in April, but I didn't get time to finish it. While I'm enjoying it so far, it's not as good as the first one was, and I'm finding that it drags a little bit. Still hoping I end up loving it though, and that it's just off to a slower start than the first book was.

In The Afterlight by Alexandra Bracken:

I'm hoping that if I finish Never Fade fairly early in the month, that I can go on to the third book in The Darkest Minds series in May as well.

Not If I Save You First by Ally Carter:

Ally Carter is one of my favorites, and I have yet to dislike one of her books. I can't wait to read her newest release, and I'm crossing my fingers that it'll be my turn on the library waiting list this month.

How To Catch A Prince by Rachel Hauck:

I'm completely loving the Royal Wedding series by Rachel Hauck, and I hope to continue on with the series this month by reading the third book, How To Catch A Prince.

Life Support by Candace Calvert:

Medical dramas have never really been my thing in the past, but Candace Calvert is fast changing my opinion on this. I loved both of the first books in her Grace Medical series, and I reviewed them on my blog here and here. I'm excited to read the last book in this trilogy this month.

Spring Broke by Melody Carlson:

While I wouldn't consider the 86 Bloomberg Place series a favorite, I've been enjoying working my way through it, and I look forward to reading the third installment in this series this month.

Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen:

This month is finally the month I'm going to dive into another Jane Austen novel. I've always wanted to read the rest of her books, especially considering Pride and Prejudice is one of my all time favorites, and I've decided to start with Northanger Abbey.

The Forgotten Recipe by Amy Clipston:

I started reading this beautiful story at the end of April and I'm really loving it. Finishing it ASAP is definitely top priority for me this month.

The Courtship Basket by Amy Clipston:

I've always wanted to read Amy Clipston, but it took me until last month to get around to doing so. I've fallen completely in love with her heartwarming characters, and beautiful writing style, and I plan to read the second book in her Amish Heirloom series this month after I finish the first book. 

The Replacement Crush by Lisa Brown Roberts:

I adore Lisa Brown Roberts, and I really enjoyed her debut novel. This one has been sitting on my shelf since Christmas 2016, and I'm really dying to read it. I'm definitely feeling that May is going to be mostly a Christian fiction , and Young Adult Contemporary month of reading for me, and this one is one I definitely want to try and get to.

Love and Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch:

And the last book on my list for this month is this adorable contemporary that takes place in Italy. I really can't wait to read this one, and I've already heard such amazing things about it!

And those are all the books I hope to get to in May guys! I'd love to hear what books you're most excited to read this month.

Thanks so much for reading guys! Have a great rest of your day, and I'll see you all again soon.

This is not a sponsored post. All thoughts and opinions are my own. The photos do not belong to me, and all rights to the respective owners. 


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