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Books I Loved With Fewer Than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads.

Happy Tuesday Bookish Friends :)

I'm very much looking forward to sharing my picks for this week's Top Ten Tuesday Topic: Books I loved with fewer than 2,000 ratings on Goodreads.

I was actually surprised by just how many of my favorite books didn't have anywhere close to that many ratings, and I'm excited to get to spread some love for them today.

However, first things first, if you are unfamiliar with Top Ten Tuesday, it's a weekly blog meme that originated on The Broke and The Bookish, and you can now find it on That Artsy Reader Girl. 

Here's my list:

The Lady and the Lionheart by Joanne Bischof:

933 Ratings

Without a doubt, this is my favorite historical romance novel of all time. The circus setting was unlike anything I'd ever read before, and the romance that develops between Charlie and Ella was beautiful. And as always, I love getting to support a self published book.

The Lodge on Holly Road by Sheila Roberts:

885 Ratings

Debbie Macomber is one of my all time favorite authors, and I love how much Sheila Roberts' books remind me of hers. While I loved every title in the Icicle Falls series, I particularly enjoyed the Christmas installments, with The Lodge on Holly Road being my favorite. 

Life After by Katie Ganshert:

1,158 Ratings

Life After is probably one of the most realistic portrayals of grief that I've ever personally read before, and it's another of my all time favorite books. Katie Ganshert chose to approach the idea of grief and tragedy from such a different direction than I'm used to, and this book continues to be on my mind despite it having been a long time since I last read it.

Summer of Yesterday by Gaby Triana:

545 Ratings

As soon as I saw this topic, this is the first book that came to mind. Summer of Yesterday is such a hidden gem in the young adult world, and I adore it. It combines a super cute romance with time travel and a Disney World setting, three of my all time favorite things. And a bonus, it's set in the Disney World of yesterday so places like River Country and Discovery Island that have long since closed play a huge part in the story. 

The Heart Between Us by Lindsay Harrel:

646 Ratings

Lindsay Harrel has such a beautiful way with words, and The Heart Between Us was my first experience with her lovely novels. I enjoyed the way with this one that while romance does play a part, the primary focus is on two twin sisters trying to complete a bucket list, and in the process trying the repair the damage that's been done to their relationship over the years. Even better? The bucket list wasn't theirs to begin with, and instead first emerged from the teenage daughter who was the heart donor for one of the twin sisters. 
Snapshot by Lis Wiehl:

1,058 Ratings

This book and I got off to a tad of an odd start. I'd asked for Angie Stanton's Snapshot novel for Christmas, and my hubby mistakenly bought this one instead. However, I ended up completely falling head over heels for this story. It's kind of a conspiracy type mystery that focuses on racial segregation and racism and discrimination, and ties into the Civil Rights Movement, and conspiracies involving the likes of Bobby Kennedy and J. Edgar Hoover. 

Life in the no Dating Zone by Patricia B Tighe:

261 Ratings

I always enjoy getting to support self published authors, and this sweet young adult story is one of my favorite contemporaries. It's cute and sweet, and showcases a high school girl who's determined to not date until she's graduated after watching the way that her older sister chose to sacrifice her future for a guy.

The Curse of Misty Wayfair by Jaime Jo Wright:

155 Ratings

I'm a big fan of all of Jaime Jo Wright's books, but her newest release is definitely my favorite. On top of it being deliciously scary, and another successful time slip novel, it also focuses heavily on mental health, and the stigmas and stereotypes that continue to be associated with anyone being diagnosed with such, despite all the advances we claim to have made in this area.

The Summer of Cotton Candy by Debbie Viguie:

1,120 Ratings

I adored the entire Sweet Seasons series, and thought on top of the characters being really quirky and adorable, the setting was pretty amazing, and I wish the Zone theme park actually existed. I also love how Debbie Viguie based her series around each major season in said theme park, and the numerous challenges the staff faced around each season's change.

Falling for You by Becky Wade:

1,049 Ratings

Becky Wade is another one of my all time favorite authors, and Falling For You is my favorite book by her. I love Willow and Corbin so much, and their backstory was so heart wrenching and really made you feel for all the challenges they were forced to overcome. 

These are some of my favorite books of all time, and I would recommend giving them a try if you haven't already

Thanks so much for reading guys. I look forward to reading everyone else's posts this week to discover more lesser known books to add to my tbr list!


  1. Ooh, I think I've read a book by Lis Wiehl before. I'm glad you enjoyed it nonetheless. Thanks for stopping by my TTT

    1. Snapshot is actually the only Lis Wiehl book I've ever read but I may have to change that in the future! I've especially enjoyed stopping by so many TTT posts this week as it's added some really great books to my TBR List. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Life After sounds like an excellent read.

    My Top Ten Tuesday post.

    1. Life After is one of my favorites, and in fact, was the book I named as the best book I read during the entire year of 2017. Thanks for stopping by! I'm off to read your post right now :)

  3. All new to me books in your TTT post this week!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post:

    1. That was honestly my favorite part of this week's topic-everyone discovering books they'd never heard of before from reading others lists. I've literally added so many books to my TBR list today after reading about so many amazing, hidden gems in the literary world :) Thanks so much for stopping by, and taking the time to comment!

  4. Oooh, a lot of these reads sound like fun! A Heart Between Us sounds particularly interesting.
    Seeing all these TTT lists makes me realize I need to read & support more indie books and books that are less popular.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by :) The Heart Between Us was one of my favorite books I read in 2018. It was such a lovely story. I love how the topic for this week is bringing lots of attention to indie books and indie authors, and that's its introduced so many amazing sounding books to me that I'd never heard of before!

  5. Mostly all of these titles are new to me and it makes me so sad that they didn't receive a lot more hype!!! The premise of The Lady and the Lionheart sounds great and that cover is really pretty? Or at least, the photo and colouring they used is. I'm a little bit heart-eyes over it. Also, The Heart Between Us sounds wonderful. And, again, SWOON WORTHY COVER. Thanks for sharing these!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by! I love that this week's topic introduced me to so many books I'd never heard of that were featured on other's posts, so I'm happy I was able to do the same for anyone who visited mine. The Heart Between Us and The Lady and The Lionheart are two of my all time favorites, and I agree the covers are amazing! I'm especially impressed with the cover of The Lady and The Lionheart because it was a self published book, and its cover can rival some of the best romance books out there :)

  6. LOVE anything and everything by Becky Wade (she's my go-to contemporary author), and Katie always writes a compelling story. Also, three cheers for Joanne's! Her books, especially this one, are magic. :)

    Thanks so much for the Finding Wonderland visit, Kirby! Appreciate it so much.

    1. Becky Wade is one of my absolute favorites too! I've loved every book she's written so far. The Lady and the Lionheart is the only book I've read by Joanne so far, but I loved it and definitely need to get to reading more of her books soon.

      Your blog is always one of my favorites! You have such a gift with words that always make your posts so interesting and mesmerizing :)


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